Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Therapeutic Shower Conversations

Ok…so I admit, no shame at all, I am only becoming (attempting to be) a blogger for the first time. I may have been a blogger without knowing though…with all the talking & wise things I say…hahaha!! Anyway, seriously people, I have no clue what should go in these mental ramblings but a bunch of erratic& mostly unfocused thoughts. Some of the things that will end up being posted here are conversations, I have often been caught (by the wifey) saying in the privacy of my shower. Ok, so how many of you out there don’t have these conversations? Well…I, certainly, have had a gazillion of these conversations & will continue to converse.

The source of these conversations range from life frustrations, idiotic management decisions at work, unresolved disagreements with the wife (yes…I did go there), unsuccessful job searches, regret letters from prospective employers notifying you that they liked your resume, interview performance…blah, blah, blah!! When they in fact know that they are not going to hire you. The list goes on (and don’t make me go there…lol). Let’s be honest about it ( I am a big boy, I can handle it) while we at it shall we? I can honestly tell you that some (not all) of these conversations can at times be very passionate & heated (not Postal inducing though). These frustrations generally tend to have a justifiable feel good effect, even though the road to a resolution is often hard to navigate. I call these conversations my “Therapeutic Sessions”.

Now all I am doing is being true to myself by negating any labels that my be put on me because of my temporary insanity...hahaha!! I am just being me & in all my glory!! Thanks to my friend (you know who you are) for encouraging me to start one. So see I did it. Thanks!!!